Index Memes

Non-Bookish Hobbies for Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every Tuesday, you pick ten books on that week’s topic. And this week, we get to share our top 10 non-bookish hobbies (this is really difficult!).

Non Bookish Hobbies 1

Asian Dramas: These have been a life-long obsession and I’m so glad Netflix is hosting truckloads of them now. Try the detective thriller Stranger (both Seasons for good) if you’ve never tried Korean/ Asian Dramas before. You’ll be a fan for life.

Blog Trawling: No, no, I’m not trying to be cute! Some of the blogs I read aren’t about books. Truly, they aren’t.

Non Bookish Hobbies 2
The Good Place

Comedy TV: Nothing cheers me up like a good old laugh, and I’m always on the lookout for The Funnies. Black Adder and Death at a Funeral are perennial favorites. And recently, I discovered The Good Place. Was I ever sitting under a rock?!

Crosswords: The Guardian Quick Crossword is the fix for every bored moment under the sun (in-between the other things on this list).

Bullet-Journaling: More like scribbling and doodles about doodling. But bullet journaling is A Cool Thing. There are so many YouTubers and Instagrammers who’ve made tutorials and templates. I look at those and sigh with envy and emulate with very poor results.

Studying Professional Astrology: Some time back, when I was wading through existential angst, I discovered a new hobby of studying professional astrology. I’ve already made horoscope charts for five people!

Adult Coloring Materials: Honestly. My five-year old niece does a better job at this. But some of these supplies are pure gold (below!).

Pinterest: Sometimes my mind craves visuals more than stories, especially quotes from Buddha and gourmet meal images. Perfect bite-sized dose(s) of inspiration.

Exploring museums: It is enormously satisfying to relive past human glories preserved away in museums. Like we have a right to be here and we’ve done something good, in spite of it all.

Podcasting: It’s a whole new world out there, something (free) for everyone. Whether you’re into meditations, poetry, behavioral economics, astrology or happiness advice — podcasts make for awesome non-bookish hobbies.

More Top Ten Tuesday posts can be found HERE.

19 replies on “Non-Bookish Hobbies for Top Ten Tuesday”

I see you also love crossword puzzles, so that’s one step before Killer-Sudoku. LOL

I could have added some of your likes to my list like comedies, colouring, Pinterest, museums … but mine was full, as you know.

Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

Wow, we have a lot in common like you said earlier! I also adore adult colouring books, blog trawling, and crossword puzzles. Do you like Sudoku, too?

Thanks for stopping by. You seem like a very cool person.

The only Asian drama I’ve watched is Miss Sherlock (on HBO) which was amazing! I definitely want to watch Stranger now, sounds fascinating, as does your whole list. I’ve been going through all the tours/exhibits museums have been having online throughout covid.

“I’ve been going through all the tours/exhibits museums have been having online throughout covid.” Now that’s something that I haven’t been doing! Sounds awesome.
And yes, you MUST watch Stranger: great plot, great acting, great pace, uplifting, and also great music. Ok, will stop now.

I do like crossword puzzles, but don’t do many of them. I should have included reading the newspaper on my own list, but it seemed a little too book like! You have a lot of varied interests!

They are, indeed. The best part is looking up all those arty materials and buying truckloads of them for myself (and pretending they are for my niece). πŸ˜‰

Hello to a fellow Kdrama fan! I have been obsessed with them for over a decade now. Would be great to see some Kdrama reviews; plan to put them up? Thanks for visiting

I used to watch a lot of Asian drama but I outgrew them. I just got reminded that crosswords and sudoku are fun activities as well, I’ll be sure to get a few activity books this week so I can revisit my love for crosswords and such.

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