Books Starred Recommendations

Mask & Dagger Series by Teresa Edgerton

Edgerton Goblin Moon

Books 1 & 2: Goblin Moon / Hobgoblin Night by Teresa Edgerton
Genres / Tropes: 18th Century Alternative History, Fantasy, Alchemy, Search for Atlantis and Philosopher’s Stone, Zorro-like Vigilantes
Published: 1991 / 2015
Similar Books: Sorcery & Cecilia by Caroline Stevermer and Patricia Wrede, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke, Books by Georgette Heyer, Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater, The Death of the Necromancer by Martha Wells, The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens, The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy
Rating: 10 of 10. Highly Recommended.

The Plot:

Two alchemists try to raise a dead magician who may know how to make the Seramarias Stone. Two women try to flee a vengeful fairie halfling and her troll minions. A secret glassmakers guild plans to raise a submerged Atlantis-like island. A half-mad, sleepdust-addicted Zorro-like vigilante risks all to expose black magic cartels and the slavers’ trade. And no one can make sense of the homunculus and the golem out in the world. Clearly, a lot happens!

Edgerton Hobgoblin Night

My Thoughts:

These books by Teresa Edgerton are criminally underrated. If you like historical fantasy works, you will love this book. The prose, the dialogue, the social customs, and the mannerisms are all very accurate to the time period β€” and that alone is so rare. The characterizations were also multi-layered and satisfyingly 3D. Add in a vigilante, who suffers from his own personal gremlins, but is driven to dangerous extremes in the quest for righting old, old wrongs β€” I was bowled over. Then the whole alchemy angle, the black magic angle, the faerie/troll halfling angle β€” so many plot threads, but so deftly joined together.

If you can’t tell already, I’m in love with this duology. I really can’t praise it enough. I really hope you give it a try if you like historical SFF, and ending with a book trailer:

19 replies on “Mask & Dagger Series by Teresa Edgerton”

It was! Okay, so the first chapter was a bit dark and I didn’t quite understand what was going on and who really the *hero* was – and then, and then, the author just toppled everything that I was expecting and gave us something way better

Nice! And what a deliciously old school cover on that first one as well. This sounds so unique and fun! I haven’t read much about homonculi either. I like the sound of this!

There’s this bit in the series where these alchemists got all obsessed with their experiments. That was the point where I decided this book was just mindblowing and fantastic

Hi Lex! This seems like so much fun. I am going to take a look at this. Something completely out of my comfort zone, but I love your review and love how you rate the book (that first column in color) – so cool.

Hope you will have a good week!

Elza Reads

I just recently discovered the trick to add color blocks in WordPress – and change the font size by a bit. πŸ˜‚ I’m having loads of fun with it!

She’s one of the older authors, I think. I found out about her quite by chance, when she recommended her books on a Goodreads forum on historical fantasies/ Georgette Heyer readalikes. It’s been on my TBR for a very long time

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