Books Memes

Been Here Before: Geographical Book Titles

This week’s Top 10 Tuesday topic is a very cool one: Books with Geographical Terms in the Title. I had a lot of fun looking up book titles with world geography terms.

I guess the titles and book covers are self explanatory. Except for The Bride of Lammermoor, where the reference is not to any “moor” as I’d originally thought, but to the Lammermuir Hills.

Any interesting geographical places that you uncovered this Tuesday?

Art & Illustration Best of List Memes Starred Recommendations

Some Fantastic Book Cover Art

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is summer-y book covers. Instead, I am just going with some fantastic book cover art that recently caught my eye. It’s great to discover new artists and the unique ways in which they portray their subject matter.

Full heads-up: this is an image heavy post (and none of the art is mine)!

Books Memes

Ten Books With Numbers In the Title

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every Tuesday, you pick ten books on that week’s topic. This week, we are looking at Books With Numbers In the Title.

I think the titles will be self-explanatory, so I am just going to take the easy way out — and post the book covers themselves. Then, let’s choose a favorite!

Which of these is your favorite book, title or cover? (And hope everyone is doing well!)


Top 10 Books with Environment Motifs

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every Tuesday, you pick ten books on that week’s topic. This week’s topic was books with Nature on the cover. On those lines, I tried to think of books that may also deal with environment themes / motifs, or even wild magic and herblore!

Which books did this environmental TTT theme make you think of? Let’s discuss!

Art & Illustration Memes

Friday Face Off #2: Book with “Moon” in the Title

The Friday Face Off meme was created by Books by Proxy  and hosted by Lynn. For each week’s theme, we select a matching book and compare its different book covers across editions. Perfect for a visual fix!

Theme for Friday Face Off #2 is:

Books with ‘Moon’ in the Title

I’ve decided to take a lighter note on this, and go with P.G. Wodehouse’s Full Moon. A very funny book involving an artist, a pig and a castle. Mayhem ensues!

When the moon is full at Blandings, strange things happen: among them the commissioning of a portrait of The Empress, twice in succession winner in the Fat Pigs Class at the Shropshire Agricultural Show. What better choice of artist, in Lord Emsworth’s opinion, than Landseer? The renowned painter of The Stag at Bay may have been dead for decades, but that doesn’t prevent Galahad Threepwood from introducing him to the castle – or rather introducing Bill Lister, Gally’s godson, so desperately in love with Prudence that he’s determined to enter Blandings in yet another imposture. Add a gaggle of fearsome aunts, uncles and millionaires, mix in Freddie Threepwood, Beach the Butler and the gardener McAllister, and the moon is full indeed.

Although I find the centre cover to be the funniest, the first one looks the most eye-catching. And the third one matches the story the best! Hmm, tough choice. I think I’ll go with the first one for this Friday Face Off #2, which manages to catch the comedy of manners without looking too absurd!

{Edited: January 10, 2021, to fix the image glitch.}

Art & Illustration Memes

Friday Face Off #1: Dressed in White

The Friday Face Off meme was created by Books by Proxy  and hosted by Lynn. For each week’s theme, we select a matching book and compare its different book covers across editions. Perfect for a visual fix!

(I’m obviously late to this meme, but so eager to grapple with book cover art!)

Theme for Friday Face Off #1 is:

Dressed in White – could be a person could be a landscape – or something else completely?

In Wilkie Collins’ The Woman in White, there is literally a character dressed in white, a mysterious figure at the heart of this classic Gothic mystery from 1859. A gallery of a few of its book covers below:

My own personal favorite from these is the Vintage Collins edition in the middle row, to the left. I think that cover captures the theme of the mysterious lady seen at night, dressed in all white, very well indeed. This has been a fun Friday Face Off!

Art & Illustration Memes

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Covers for the Winter

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every Tuesday, you pick ten books on that week’s topic. And this week, we get free room to pick ten reads for the Winter season.

Here are the book covers that made me go Brrr…! with a Sigh this December.

All in all, Winter seems to denote so many things: #Christmas #snow #Rest&Relaxation #forgiveness #the never-ending pursuit of love #Santa Claus #mountainous adventures #gifts #irony #nostalgia #bottled memories #friendships in odd places #fairytales by the fireside #laughter #miracles, and of course, #moments of kindness.

Which bookish things does cold season remind you of? Would love to know!

Memes To Be Read Books

Top Ten Tuesday: To Be Read Books – Cover Freebie

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every Tuesday, you pick ten books on that week’s topic.

This week’s topic is “Cover Freebie“, i.e. pick any ten book covers on any theme that comes to mind. I have decided to go with the covers of the top ten books languishing on my to-be-read pile. (Notice that I make no promises when I’ll finish reading these … )