Index Memes To Be Read Books

Classics Club Challenge

I have decided to sign up for The Classics Club reading challenge this year. Based on this sign-up post and this FAQs post, we can choose our own criteria for what maketh a “classic” and then we have to make a list of 100 classics that we want to read – not immediately – but over the next 5 years.

For my own “classics” criteria, I’m going with a mixed bag of books famous in a specific genre* OR any books published before 1974 (i.e. more than 50 years ago). Here follows the list!

Best of List Books Index

Foreign & Translated SFF Works: A Rec List

I read a lot of SFF. But thanks to prompt(s) at the Wyrd & Wonder reading challenge, I realized that very few of my SFF reads were published outside of US or UK (and sometimes, Australia, New Zealand). So this week, let’s focus on the more translated SFF works: SFF works that weren’t originally written in English.

Art & Illustration Books Index Starred Recommendations

Throwback Thursday: A Few Old SFF Favorites

I was looking at some of my older reads, and rounded-up a few that I’d really liked. So here they are, and may be if you’re looking for new things to try out, you’ll discover a few gems here.

Index Memes To Be Read Books

2021 Reading Challenges & Memes

Reading Challenges & Memes

It’s time to set out reading goals for 2021. I’m not fully certain of my own commitment levels, nor am I very clear about the rules yet … But the reading challenges and memes below are the ones I most hope to participate in. If you’re reading this, perhaps you too will find some interesting prompts in here. (Will also update this list from time to time.)

Index Memes

Non-Bookish Hobbies for Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every Tuesday, you pick ten books on that week’s topic. And this week, we get to share our top 10 non-bookish hobbies (this is really difficult!).

Best of List Books Index Starred Recommendations

Favorite SFF Books: A Highly Opinionated List

Making lists is my favorite thing to do, esp. rec lists. Here is a list of my favorite science-fiction and fantasy books / stories, and I hope to keep updating it from time to time.

I can’t claim I’ve read all the stalwart works of speculative fiction, but here are my personal top SFF recommendations, in no particular order. When next you’re on the lookout for something new to read, remember this list!

Last Update: May 14, 2021