Books Memes Recommendations

The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe: Book Review

Mysteries of Udolpho Cover

The first time I heard of The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe was in Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey. (I think that’s the case for most people.) In Northanger, Catherine Morland’s fondness for Gothic novels and active imagination results in a disastrous misinterpretation, and Mysteries of Udolpho is one of those novels. Clearly, not very high praise when it comes to practical real life.

There is much villainy afoot …

This led to the question, whether the spirit, after it has quitted the body, is ever permitted to revisit the earth; and if it is, whether it was possible for spirits to become visible to the sense … 

In Mysteries of Udolpho, Emily St. Aubere’s father similarly admonishes her to not give in to impractical sentimentality. But then he dies and leaves her orphaned in the hands of his rather shallow sister, Madame Cheron. Madame Cheron and Emily do not get along, to put it mildly. 

Emily and Madame Cheron threatened by Montoni. Copyright: Trustees of British Museum

That situation worsens when Madame Cheron ends up marrying Signor Montoni, a stylish Italian whom everyone seems to admire but no one seems to like. Montoni is the quintessential Gothic villain who, gambles, drinks, cheats, broods and schemes. (I expect he had a mustache too, which he twirled a lot as he brooded.)

Poor Emily has a terrible time of it all. She learns her father was hiding a terrible secret from his salad days. Her engagement with young Valancourt is broken off and her hand promised to another without her consent. Her home and father’s impoverished estates in France are rented away, and Montoni packs them off (eventually) to the desolate castle of Udolpho. 

Nestled in the Apennine mountains of Italy, Udolpho’s grandeur has faded with time and neglect. It once belonged to Montoni’s relative, Signora Laurentini, who died in mysterious circumstances. There are rumors that Montoni killed her off out of jealousy and to grab her estates. Certainly, nothing can be put past Montoni, who it turns out is now leading a band of mercenaries, the Condottieri.


Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Book Quotes

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every Tuesday, you pick ten books on that week’s topic.

This week’s topic is “Favorite Book Quotes“. So, without further ado, here’s the list.

Books Recommendations

Shadow Spinner by Susan Fletcher: Book Review

To fully appreciate the wisdom of Shadow Spinner by Susan Fletcher, we need to first begin with the history of The Thousand and One Nights.

We know that the stories of The Thousand and One Nights are set in the Middle Ages of the Persian Empire. But these were actually compiled over several centuries, in multiple countries and languages. When the Arab Traders of 8th Century travelled worldwide, they carried these tales with them – thus, also called The Arabian Nights.

Essentially, we are talking about stories that are more than 1300 old! And all of them told over a span of 1001 nights by the wily Shahrazad to pacify the Sultan. Here is a woman who with her spine of steel and love for the written word managed to change the course of (fictional) history.

But what was Shahrazad really like? How did she survive so long, married to a mad man, desperate and afraid every day whether she would live to see the next day, and the next, for almost 3 years? We get to know this side of Shahrazad, in Shadow Spinner.

Music & Poetry

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird: Poetry Friday

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird
~ By Wallace Stevens

Thirteen Ways of looking at a blackbird

Among twenty snowy mountains,
The only moving thing
Was the eye of the blackbird.

Memes To Be Read Books

Top Ten Tuesday: To Be Read Books – Cover Freebie

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Every Tuesday, you pick ten books on that week’s topic.

This week’s topic is “Cover Freebie“, i.e. pick any ten book covers on any theme that comes to mind. I have decided to go with the covers of the top ten books languishing on my to-be-read pile. (Notice that I make no promises when I’ll finish reading these … )


Dublin Murders, Season 1 (2019): Should you watch?

Dublin Murders

Are there two more unlikable characters than Rob Reilly and Cassie Maddox? Are there? Probably, yes. But as the show, Dublin Murders, progressed, it was hard to think of more disappointing characters in recent fiction.

A young girl is murdered in the woods of a small (fictitious) Irish town called Knocknaree. There are certain shocking similarities to an unsolved crime back in 1985, when two children disappeared in the same woods. However, back in 1985, there had been a witness – a boy named Adam. But Adam couldn’t remember anything from that day and had to flee town because the folks there suspected him.

Music & Poetry

Poetry Friday: The Phantom Wooer

Poetry Friday

The Phantom-Wooer by Thomas Lovell Beddoes

Art & Illustration Recommendations Watchlist

Tale of Genji: Anime Movie Review

The Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari) is a 1987 anime movie directed by Gisaburō Sugii and is a surreal, melancholic mix of fact and fantasy. It’s based on (large portions of) The Tale of Genji written by Murasaki Shikibu back in the Heian period (794 to 1185) of Japanese history, also arguably the world’s first true “novel”.

Utagawa Kunisada & Utagawa Hiroshige – Tale of Genji, wood block painting 1853
Books Memes

Six Degrees of Separation: Curtis Sittenfeld’s Rodham

It’s time for #6degrees. Start at the same place as other wonderful readers, add six books, and see where you end up. Inspired by the 6 Degrees of Separation Meme hosted every month at Books are my Favorite and Best.

September 2020’s book is Rodham by Curtis Sittenfeld. Blurb below:

He proposed. She said no. And it changed her life forever.

In 1971, Hillary Rodham is a young woman full of promise: Life magazine has covered her Wellesley commencement speech, she’s attending Yale Law School, and she’s on the forefront of student activism and the women’s rights movement. And then she meets Bill Clinton. A handsome, charismatic southerner and fellow law student, Bill is already planning his political career. In each other, the two find a profound intellectual, emotional, and physical connection that neither has previously experienced.

In the real world, Hillary followed Bill back to Arkansas, and he proposed several times; although she said no more than once, as we all know, she eventually accepted and became Hillary Clinton.

But in Curtis Sittenfeld’s powerfully imagined tour-de-force of fiction, Hillary takes a different road. Feeling doubt about the prospective marriage, she endures their devastating breakup and leaves Arkansas. Over the next four decades, she blazes her own trail—one that unfolds in public as well as in private, that involves crossing paths again (and again) with Bill Clinton, that raises questions about the tradeoffs all of us must make in building a life.

Brilliantly weaving a riveting fictional tale into actual historical events, Curtis Sittenfeld delivers an uncannily astute and witty story for our times. In exploring the loneliness, moral ambivalence, and iron determination that characterize the quest for political power, as well as both the exhilaration and painful compromises demanded of female ambition in a world still run mostly by men, Rodham is a singular and unforgettable novel.

Best of List Books Index Starred Recommendations

Favorite SFF Books: A Highly Opinionated List

Making lists is my favorite thing to do, esp. rec lists. Here is a list of my favorite science-fiction and fantasy books / stories, and I hope to keep updating it from time to time.

I can’t claim I’ve read all the stalwart works of speculative fiction, but here are my personal top SFF recommendations, in no particular order. When next you’re on the lookout for something new to read, remember this list!

Last Update: May 14, 2021