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Top 10 Zippy Reads

Top 10 zippy reads? I am all for it these days – and that’s the theme for this week’s Top 10 Tuesday. Here are my recs, with equally zippy blurbs!

The Throme of the Erril of Sherill by Patricia A. McKillip
Tropes: Knight quests, Riddles, Puns, Folktales

The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood
Tropes: Snarky, Retelling, The Odyssey, Ulysses hero-not-hero

Six-Gun Snow White by Catherynne Valente
Tropes: Native American, Retelling, Snow White, Wild West

 Once and Forever: The Tales of Kenji Miyazawa
Tropes: Anthology, Japanese folklore, Dark, Compassionate

Jagannath by Karin Tidbeck
Tropes: Anthology, Science-Fiction, Bizarre, Quirky Horror

Shit, Actually: The Definitive, 100% Objective Guide to Modern Cinema by Lindy West 
Tropes: Essays, ROFL Funny, Old blockbuster movies, Punchlines

Edgar Allan Poe’s Tales of Mystery and Terror 
Tropes: Surreal, Otherwordly, Lurid, Anthology, Poetic

How the World Became Quiet by Rachel Swirsky
Tropes: Anthology, Science-Fiction, AI & Identity Crisis, Evolution

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy
Tropes: Graphic Novel, Poetic, Feel-Good, Found Families

Princess Floralinda & the Forty-Flight Tower by Tamsyn Muir
Tropes: Snarky, 40-floor fall, Coming of Age, Unexpected friends

So, do any of our choices match? Do you have any zippy read recs? Let’s chat!

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