Memes To Be Read Books

Bookish Goals for Year ‘25

Ten Bookish Goals? Hmm, that’s a lot. I cannot think of a list of 10 bookish goals for Year ’25, for this week’s Top 10 Tuesday prompt. At most, here are 6 goals and I’d be very surprised if I can manage 2 or more of these:

1) Read at least 12 books, one for each month.

The challenge, of course, remains in shortlisting 12 out of the TBR Pile…

2) Read more diversely across genres.

That means, not just sticking to SFF or historicals – but to also try out more horror (incl. the new “cozy horror” niche), more philosophy, more humor, perhaps a thriller here and there.

3) Complete the backlist books from at least 1 favorite author.

The aim is to see how the author has grown over the years, and of course, enjoy the books and the process along the way. Perhaps: Lois McMaster Bujold or Patricia A. McKillip. Any other suggestions (in any genre) are welcome 🙂

4) Continue to read the classics, slow though it may be.

I signed up for the Classics Club challenge last year and sometimes, when you are overwhelmed by the busy pace of things, an old classic seems the right solution.

5) Be more active on the blog.

There was a reason I set it up in 2020 (to create! to stay connected!), and I do need to water the bookish garden now and then.

6) … Speaking of which, perhaps just move to a free plan of WordPress for the blog?

In which case, I need to figure out how to move content from Bluehost to the new unpaid version. If anyone has solutions for this, please share!

How about you? Did you manage to work up a plan for reading and blogging this year? What are your top bookish goals for Year ‘25? Do any of our goals align?

Memes To Be Read Books

Classics Club Challenge: CC Spin #38

Several months ago, I had decided to participate in the Classics Club Challenge and signed up with a bucket list of 100 classic literature books that I wanted to read. Occasionally, a random number is also generated by by the hosts at The Classics Club, and you can play along by reading that entry number from your chosen list. Rules are here.

This is my first CC Spin, and the Lucky Spin Number this time around is …

…. Number 17

On my list, entry #17 is Scenes of Clerical Life by George Eliot (1857). If I remember correctly, I chose this book because Eliot seems to have had a difficult relationship with her father and she has reflected some of that tension in this book. Plus, Eliot is one of my favorite all-time authors.

Not a very promising book cover, that. But let’s see…

Are you participating in CC Spin #38, or generally in the Classics Club Challenge this year?

Memes To Be Read Books

Spring ’24 TBR

This week’s Top 10 Tuesday has us looking at our Spring ’24 TBR. I don’t know about you, but I’d be lucky to finish these off for the whole year! Still – subject to change and all that – here’s my set:

Folks, how have you been? Anybody else feeling the reading blues lately? Or, er, since last year? What are your solutions — and of course, your own Spring ’24 TBR lists?

Index Memes To Be Read Books

Classics Club Challenge

I have decided to sign up for The Classics Club reading challenge this year. Based on this sign-up post and this FAQs post, we can choose our own criteria for what maketh a “classic” and then we have to make a list of 100 classics that we want to read – not immediately – but over the next 5 years.

For my own “classics” criteria, I’m going with a mixed bag of books famous in a specific genre* OR any books published before 1974 (i.e. more than 50 years ago). Here follows the list!

Memes To Be Read Books

SciFiMonth November 2023

The SciFiMonth Challenge for 2023 is being hosted by A Dance With BooksBookForager, Dear Geek Place and There’s Always Room For One More.

I’ve read only a handful of science fiction books till date, so I was very wary of signing up. But oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Here’s a list of scifi books languishing on my TBR pile since… forever… but maybe I can at least chomp off one of them by end of November!

Memes To Be Read Books

Ten Hidden Gems: Because you said so

It’s time for Top 10 Tuesday again! I love picking up book recs from fellow bloggers — the lesser known, the better! There’s some extra happiness in locating those hidden gems, you know. So, here are 10 that I’ve picked up in recent months.

Memes To Be Read Books

Top 10 TBR for the rest of the year

It’s a freebie for this Top 10 Tuesday, which means I have no clever idea for making yet another list. So, I’m just going with the top 10 TBR books that I still want to read this year. We are already past the halfway mark, folks! But I still have high hopes…

Any of these on your list? Any of these that you recommend starting first?

Books Memes To Be Read Books

10 Random Books from the Shelf

This week’s Top 10 Tuesday (hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl) has an interesting theme and finally had me dropping the laziness and getting back to blog. We pick 10 random books from the shelf (whether from the read or TBR pile) — well actually: The First 10 Books I Randomly Grabbed from My Shelf.

Here are my picks. Most of these are still unread or only halfway through, so if you’ve read these before, share your reviews please!


Memes To Be Read Books

Currently Reading…

My TBR pile is a monstrous thing (whose isn’t?) and my reading is more mood reading these days, so for this week’s Top 10 Tuesday, I am just going to pick 10 books that I’m currently reading (or currently planning to read at any rate). Any of these on your radar too?

To Be Read Books

Back to the Classics Challenge 2022

I shortlisted reading plans at the start of this month, and I am already reworking those! This time, I have my eyes on Back to the Classics Challenge hosted by Karen at Books and Chocolate. There are 12 prompts, and the cut-off year is 1972. I have a *tentative* reading list in mind — no idea if I’ll actually stick to these picks, but I had a field day putting these together.