Books Starred Recommendations

The Throme of the Erril of Sherill

Book: The Throme of the Erril of Sherill by Patricia A. McKillip
Published: 1973
Tropes: Short Story/ Novella, Knight quests, Riddles, Puns, Folktales
Readalikes: Alice in Wonderland, The Girl who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making, Edward Lear

The mad King Magnus sends his knight Caerles on a quest, to look for the Throme of the Erril of Sherill. (A tongue twister, if ever there was one — and it’s not a throne, by the way). If Caerles succeeds, he gets to marry the king’s daughter, who has been locked up in the castle and has never ever laughed. The problem is: the Throme doesn’t exist. Or does it?

“You are cruel and loveless, you and your wanting.”
“I know,” Magnus Thrall whispered. “I know. The Throme is my hope. Find it for me, Caerles.”

It seems like a wild goose chase from the beginning. And poor Caerles seems to be the only sane person in the book. I was chuckling at all his dry witticisms throughout.

“… I do not know what use it is to hurry when I do not know where I am going, and when there will be nothing to find when I get there.”

The whole novella is actually poetry in the form of prose. Does that make sense? Seriously, I’m in awe of McKillip. To pack such a riddle in such lovely words, and to then blend it with humor and pun and brilliant character sketches? This was beautiful. Mesmerizing.

The house of the King was a tall thing of great, thick stones and high towers and tiny slits of windows that gleamed at night when the King paced his hearth stones longing for the Throme. He had a daughter who sat with him and wept and embroidered pictures of the green world beyond the walls, and listened to her father think aloud to the pale sunlight or the wisps of candle-flame.

Rating: 10 of 10. Highly recommended.

Music & Poetry Watchlist

Four for Poetry Friday

It’s been a while since I cross-linked to old favorite poems. But here are a few to keep the week going. The videos add to the beauty of the poem, so hope you watch those even if you’ve read these pieces before.

The Astronomer by Walt Whitman
We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks
Because I could not stop for Death by Emily Dickinson
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
Art & Illustration Best of List Memes Starred Recommendations

Some Fantastic Book Cover Art

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is summer-y book covers. Instead, I am just going with some fantastic book cover art that recently caught my eye. It’s great to discover new artists and the unique ways in which they portray their subject matter.

Full heads-up: this is an image heavy post (and none of the art is mine)!

Memes To Be Read Books

Currently Reading…

My TBR pile is a monstrous thing (whose isn’t?) and my reading is more mood reading these days, so for this week’s Top 10 Tuesday, I am just going to pick 10 books that I’m currently reading (or currently planning to read at any rate). Any of these on your radar too?

Memes Watchlist

10 Recent Book to Screen Adaptations

Since most books these days have both prologues and epilogues, this week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic didn’t really ring a bell for me. Instead, I’m just gushing about 10 recent screen adaptations of books. Just in case you want to add to your watchlist….

[1] The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry ⎮ Apple TV

Best of List Books Memes Starred Recommendations

The Woods Are Lovely, Dark & Deep #Wyrd&Wonder 2022

All of May 2022, the fantastic #Wyrd and Wonder 2022 meme is in play. Pick your very cool prompt, pick your matching SFF books. It’s all up to you whether you want to do the weekly posts, the book bingo, the readalong, or make a book tag of it all.

Wyrd and Wonder 2022
IMAGE CREDITS: tree wolf image by chic2view on

This year, the theme is all things forest and woodlands — and here’s a list of some of those forest setting books that I’ve found memorable. Here’s to Mother Nature, who is fascinating both on and outside of page!

Books Recommendations Watchlist

Mini Reviews & Recs: Feb through April 2022

Work in the past 3 months was like Godzilla. I read very little, and got nowhere on the 10 Million Reading Challenges that I had over-ambitiously planned. But I binged on mystery and detective stuff a lot, and here are a few things that kept me going.

Books Memes

Have Sword, Will Go On Quest: Books with Magical Swords

For this week’s Top 10 Tuesday, we are looking at books with specific items on the cover. That made me think of magical swords, because that is one trend that never goes out of style. Here’s a list!

Best of List Books Memes Recommendations

If you like Time Travel

Here we are, combining Top 10 Tuesday with… time travel! The first time I came across time travel was A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, in which miserly Scrooge is visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come.

Since then, I’ve become something of a time travel fan. I’ve also discovered that there are two schools of thought. One school believes that through time travel you can change the future. The other school believes that the future is inescapable, through time travel you can only change the paths to that future.

Let’s take a look at 10 (or more) books that use innovative devices for time travel.

Books Memes Recommendations

Who am I?? Top 10 Books on the Amnesia Trope

It’s time for Top Ten Tuesday meme hosted at That Artsy Reader Girl. This week, we are looking at books on our favorite trope, and the first one I could think of was: amnesia. Somehow, I find the loss of memory to be very closely linked to the loss of identity, and reclaiming both seems like a major victory.