Books Memes

Have Sword, Will Go On Quest: Books with Magical Swords

For this week’s Top 10 Tuesday, we are looking at books with specific items on the cover. That made me think of magical swords, because that is one trend that never goes out of style. Here’s a list!

1. Stormbringer | series by Michael Moorcock

Elric’s sword has some really cool magical properties.

2. Excalibur | All the King Arthur legends

Also known as the sword in the stone.

3. Elder Wand | Harry Potter series

Hey, these guys use wands instead of swords.

4. The Blue Sword | Damar series

Historical legends cannot be created without a darned good sword.

5. Needle | Game of Thrones

Anyone remember Arya Stark’s nifty practice sword?

6. Verminfate | Redwall series

Death by the broadsword of the badger lord.

7. Brisingr | Eragon

A very cool name for a very cool elf-crafted magical sword.

8. Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn | series by Tad Williams

All three are legendary swords, and the keys to our hero’s quest.

9. Isildur’s Bane | Lord of the Rings

One ring to rule them all. Who needs a sword?

10. God Slayer | The Sundering

A jewel masquerading as sword, this does exactly what the title says.

Any recommendations for this list of magical and legendary swords? And which book cover tokens have caught your eye recently? Let’s discuss!

32 replies on “Have Sword, Will Go On Quest: Books with Magical Swords”

I had to wrack my brains quite a bit beyond Excalibur and Elder Wand. But we know why they call historical fantasy “swords and sorcery” genre! πŸ˜‚

LEX!!!!!!! Hallloooo!!! How are you??? Ooh so glad I’ve spotted your name on the TTT linkup today.

I love your swords and I am ever so proud to report that I actually recognize a few of these.

Hope you are well!!!

Lots of Love,

Elza Reads

Hi Mareli, it’s been a while! I looked at the topmost fantasy book in my TBR pile and saw a sword there — it all went quest wise from there. I’m glad you’re liking SFF more and more now! πŸ˜€

Stormbringer! And you used the cool Whelan cover too. πŸ™‚ And excalibur! I always think of the movie…

Yay for Memory, Sorrow and Thorn too. I LOVED those books. I couldn’t get into his recent sequel trilogy though. I guess tastes change…

OK, I’m going to have to Google Whelan’s art — but if this Moorcock cover is the sample, I know it’s going to be awesome! And I haven’t really read Memory, Sorrow and Thorn — but it’s on my TBR because I know GRM loves it…

Oh, I haven’t read Percy Jackson! I heard there’s a show coming on that though (or is it out already?) — will keep a lookout for Riptide!

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