Best of List Books Memes

… And the Book OTP Prizes Go to …

For this week’s Top 10 Tuesday meme, we have a Valentine’s Day freebie, so let’s showcase some of those OTP (One True Pairings) that deserve extra attention today. Disclaimer: All of this is intended in good fun only!

1 / The Best Bickersome

Benedick and Beatrice, surely the poster child for fighting-too-much leads to love.

2 / The Most Self-Destructive

If Catherine had not been so bratty, could Heathcliff have been so broody?

3 / The Indeed Ill-Fated

Tristan and Isolde, a disaster in the making.

4 / The Highest Risk Appetite

Orpheus and Eurydice – not even till death do them part.

5 / The Most ‘Hair’-Brained

A bad pun on harebrained – but why didn’t Rapunzel & her prince ever use a ladder?

6 / The Most Obliging

Jane Bennet and Charles Bingley – the perfect supporting cast to Lizzy & Darcy.

7 / The Wittiest Pair

Westley and Buttercup know that laughter keeps love afloat.

8 / The Craziest Seesaw

Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler, the push and pull goes on forever.

9 / The Best Tourists Ever

Jamie Fraser and Claire Beauchamp – and I’m not just talking about the time travel.

10 / The Most Matter of Fact

Me Tarzan, You Jane. Let’s keep it simple, really!

From one blogger to another – Happy Valentine’s Day, folks! Hope this OTP list brought a smile to your face, and how’s your TTT list looking?

17 replies on “… And the Book OTP Prizes Go to …”

Yay! Westley and Buttercup made your list!

One of my favorite couples: I really like Dwight and Caroline from the Poldark books (they’re pretty cool in the tv adaptation too). 🙂

Check out my TTT

Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day! This is a great list. I know there’s at least one version of Rapunzel where the prince brings her rope to make a ladder from, and that’s how the witch finds out about the plan. I think this was a PG version, though, instead of the witch finding out because Rapunzel was obviously pregnant… 😉

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